Diet Secrets from Africa! by Sticky, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! Sticky is a meth-addicted animated piece of wood. Following his “diet advice” will result in the development of a serious eating disorder. DO NOT TAKE DIET ADVICE FROM ANIMATED...
Top 5 Ugly Bitch Makeup Tips by Opera Pussy, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! Opera Pussy is the classiest cunt to ever sing a tune. She is a perfect woman and her haters are jealous. She is an expert on beauty and fashion. SCROLL DOWN FOR OPERA PUSSY...
Music Biz Tip: Everyone Sucks When They Start by Annie Oddly, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! Annie Oddly is a sexy songstress who will steal your heart. She is the best source of music business knowledge the world has ever known. If you are afraid of...
How to Tell if Your Dog is a Nazi by Guenever, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! Guenever is too woke for some people to handle, and has been reported to have radical views that may be especially harmful to male humans. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU...
Empower Your Children: Tell Them They Are Retarded by The Sloppy Drunken Donkey Witch Ho, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! The Sloppy Drunken Donkey Witch Ho is an unethical, immoral, abusive madame. Her “parenting advice” is known to, in fact, be...
The Ho Guide to Job Interviews by Captain Save-A-Ho, a cartoon from the FigWiggy universe. WARNING! We refuse to issue a Captain Save-A-Ho warning. We refuse despite the fact that he has been accused of contributing to stereotypes about women of the night. He has...