Dirty Folk Secret Stash #1
Welcome to the first ever Dirty Folk Secret Stash. I am overjoyed to have you here! Make sure you read until the end for a very special suprise bonus wunder image from Mr. Computer! This is the visual supplement to the audio show you know and love. Mr. Computer and myself have created lots of images this week imagining the things we have covered in the podcast recently. Mostly down and dirty homeless bus stop fucking and goat rape. Feel free to steal and share what we have here. We rely on you to share the show if you like it and want it to survive. Enjoy!

“I need to jerk off on the bus! The fate of the world hangs in the balance.”

“I am, not proud of myself.”

“You know what kid, you’re pretty cool.”
“Fuck you old man.”
Chip in ya cheep fuck. Or, ya know, don't. It's not like I have at least one family that everyone knows about to feed.

Whether you pay or not I'm glad you are here and I hope you are laughing. There is lots more hilarious and fun shit further down the page. Keep going Dirty Folker. Deeper, deeper.
The Curse of The Sex Goat
(Full text from the storytime episode)
The man stood catching his breath over the body of the still warm goat he had just killed and had sex with. This was not how he saw his Disney vacation going at all. He was not having a magical time.
“Oh God!” the man moans. “What have I done?”
He had come here with his wife for a week’s vacation from the office. They had planned to spend their time together enjoying each other, sightseeing and maybe even taking in one or two shows at the Magic Kingdom. Instead, this man had ended up killing a goat, having sex with it and unleashing a curse on the world.
Mr. Computer Made You Some Images of “Bus Stop Of Doom.” Totally Fucked
Click to flip through the gallery.
Mr. Computer Made You Some Images From “Curse of The Sex Goat.” Try Not to Get too Horny
Click to flip through the gallery.
In the next Secret Stash, a bunch of horrifying clowns! See you in your nightmares Dirty Folker.
Chip in ya cheep fuck. Or, ya know, don't. It's not like I have at least one family that everyone knows about to feed.

This is it for this collection of The Dirty Folk Secret Stash. Thanks so much for being here with me, Harper and Mr. Computer! Tell your friends, inflict it upon your enemies. Feel free to take any of the images or other content and use them however you like. Try to make someone laugh, and if you can introduce them to the show in the process, even better. A special thanks to those of you who share our fun and contribute financially. Mo monye makes the sho go. Take her easy. Keep laughing.
Until we meet again, Dirty Folker